Welcome To Zodiac Juice Bar

This is what happens when a Libra man and a Gemini woman, two air signs come together, the result is magic in a bottle. Our goal is to reconnect everyone with their inner selves. We believe that being yourself is the ultimate happiness, and the most authentic way to live your life. That's why we've created a Mascot named ZJ, who has a third eye that symbolizes a collection of 12 Zodiac Cocktails that celebrate each individual's unique personality and characteristics. 

We have carefully crafted each cocktail to embody the essence of each zodiac sign, using ingredients and flavors that perfectly capture their distinct traits. Whether you're a social butterfly who loves to entertain, or a deep thinker who enjoys quiet contemplation, we have a cocktail that you can align with.

So why settle for a generic cocktail when you can sip on something that truly embodies who you are? Let our zodiac cocktails take you on a journey of self-discovery and self-expression. Being yourself is more you, and we're here to help you do just that, one delicious drink at a time.

Cheers to happiness and authenticity!